Jul 20, 2016

Join the Movement: #LiftThemUpwithPaperPumpkin

Hello my blessings!


I absolutely believe each of you has a marvelous plan to make a difference in someones life. Use your talent today to bless ONE or a multitude. Is not about the money, is not about YOUR reward, not about what you can get, but what YOU can give. 
IS ABOUT THE PEOPLE and God's love being revealed to each of them. 

That is where my heart is right now and I am LOVING this journey!

On my blog today I shared some updates (on my boho sale, current events, and promotions) BUT BEFORE you go there, please let me share 
ONE OF MY GOALS this quarter. 

I am excited to make a difference in my community! Let's try this together, because TOGETHER IS BETTER. 

I want to start a campaign called #LiftThemUpwithPaperPumpkin

So, ready to join?
I am looking for 10 wonderful crafters to join 
My Paper Pumpkin Peeps crew.

Please email me back, I want to know you are in!

YES! 10 people who choose to make a difference using Paper Pumpkin kits to create beauty and SHARE beauty in your own BIG world.


First: If you haven't join Paper Pumpkin yet, 
visit my page for more information and subscribe!
EVERYONE NEEDS PAPER PUMPKIN! Is flexible, you can skip/cancel anytime, is budget friendly and inspiring. 
The creativity we all need comes every month directly to your door. Yay!

Second: Meet with me locally OR virtually to complete our projects together at the end of each month. Yes, no kit left behind. No un-opened kits anymore! EVER! You can see my dates for all these fun mtgs on my demo website here
I updated it for you, all my events are in there now.
Go today and RSVP! 

Third: Let's share the done kits with someone and post it (with photos!) in any media sites of your preference (emails, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest…)   We WILL make a difference!
Go to My Paper Pumpkin website and sign today! You will love these kits and what we will TOGETHER do with them! 

Did you see the newest kit in action. 
Below is a video of it being made. 
It is so cute! Enjoy! 

Join by August 10th at my Paper Pumpkin website to start

Creative Blessings,

Jessica Urrutia

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