Truly my dear readers, being a Stampin'Up! demonstrator has been such a fun amazing experience.
At times I thought, will I ever get bored of receiving new stamp sets and tools on the mail, checking out what's new, getting the different promotions (to which demos have a 20%+ discount :), reading the Demos forum or seeing the talent in this company....Oh goodnes, so NOT!
Verdaderamente mis queridos lectores(ras), ser una demonstradora de SU ha sido una experiencia divertida y maravillosa. En ocasiones pense, si alguna vez me aburriria de recibir nuevos sets de sellos y herramientas en el correo, de ver lo nuevo cada semana, de recibir nuevas promociones (en adicion al 20%+ que tenemos de descuento las demos), de leer el foro de las demonstradoras, o de ver el talento que se encuentra en esta compania...O claro que no!!
I never get bored, I enjoy it! I haven't been posting tons...I'm! It just takes me a bit more than in the past. Wondering if having 3 little ones with me 24/7 has something to do with it. ;-)
Nunca me aburro, me encanta! No he posteado mucho en los ultimos dias pues estoy decorando mi casita...:) Me toma un poco de tiempo tal vez por tres pequenas personitas que pasan conmigo 24/7
Il show you some snapshots of what I've been doing in the last week.
Dejeme mostrarle una fotitos de lo que ha estado haciendo.
Last Friday was my Christmas Cards Buffet...what a fun time we had. Here one of my sweet ladies (who never stamped before). I just could not resist the joy of seeing her enjoying this so much. She just giggled the whole class...and me too!
El viernes pasado fue mi clase de Tarjetas Navidenas...y que tiempo mas lindo pasamos. Aqui una de mis dulces senoras (que nunca habia hecho stamping antes). No puedo resistir el gozo de verla disfrutando reia sola y yo con ella!
She and the other creative ladies made such awesome cards. Here some...
Ella y las otras senoras muy creativas hicieron hermosas postalitas. Aqui algunas...
It was a joy to have you all in here! Thanks for your continual support my sweet remember what I said, you are suppose to give those cards!
The next day I sat to finish an Advent Calendar I was making for my kids. Here a sneak peak...will show you more excited...we already started it!
El dia siguiente me sente a terminar un calendario de Adviento para mis ninitos. Una fotito temprana de como va...comparto mas esta semana..tan contenta que ya lo empezamos.
I opened (at last) my Merry Moments Simply Scrappin Kit (it's in the Holiday Catalog).
Put together my little box and 25 mini envelopes made with the Scallop Envelope Die,
gotta say I love it! Il share insturctions tomorrow (cause Im running).
Abri al fin mi kit Simply Scrappin Momentos Felices (esta en el catalogo de Fiestas).
Hice mi cajita con 25 sobrecitos hechos con la ayuda del troquel Scallop Envelope, me fascina!
Manana pongo direcciones...ando corriendo!
After being done with this part, I saw all that cute cardstock and paper and decided to get creative...Why not?! :D
This is how I started.
Love the sticky borders
First try...
Finished pages...what do you think! I am in love with this come I waited so long to open it? Oh my! :)
Y asi termino mis paginitas. Fue tan facil con el kit...como espere tan tarde para abrirlo, me fascino!
Last but not least...I wonder what was he thinking when this happened? He is holding my orange ornament!!
So far so good...have a beautiful Christmas season!
Y por ultimo me preguntaba que estaria pensando mi bebe?
Hasta el mometno todo bien...que tengan una hermosa temporada navidena!
Go visit
HERE my Stampin'Up webpage so you see the NEW ARRIVALS...some very cute kits you will love...Il post more tomorrow but let the pics inspire you! So fun!
Vaya y visite mi pagina de web de Stampin'Up!
AQUI para que vea LO NUEVO...unos kits bien chulos que le van a encantar...posteo mas lueguito deje que las fotos le inspiren.
Such cool gifting ideas...all you need to prepare your Christmas gifts...go check it out!
Unas ideas bien lindas para regalitas...vaya y vea!