Hi my dear friends,
What a wonderful weekend this is. Most people I have on my personal facebook account are posting about Jesus. I wish every week was like this one. I celebrate Jesus in my life every day! I am passionate about sharing His love, His life, His beauty around me one way or another. Sometimes with words...
You are beautiful! I believe you are, God (who made you) believes you are...do YOU believe you are? You are...so I dedicate this card to you. Meditate on His goodness, even if life is rough right now. The sun will shine again indeed!
Have a peaceful time of remembrance. Remember J...remember Jesus.
Que semana mas bonita es. La mayoria de los amigos en facebook va de postear acerca de Jesus. Ojala cada semana fuera asi. Yo celebro a Jesus en mi vida cada dia! Estoy apasionada por compartir Su amor, Su vida, Su belleza alrededor de un lado a otro. A veces con palabras...
Usted es hermosa! Yo creo que lo es, Dios (quien le creo) tambien...que tal USTED? Lo es...asi que le dedico esta postalita. Medite en la bondad de Dios, aun si la vida es dura ahora, el sol volvera a brillar para ti. Que tenga un tiempo de recordacion lleno de paz. RecuerdeJ...Recuerde a Jesus.
I will take a day of rest tomorrow, but before I go let me share what I made for the challenge at Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge. I've been wanting to do this sketch for so loong! Did it! Go see the other entries HERE!
Tomare un dia de descanso manana, mas antes de despedirme deseo compartirle una pagina que hice para el reto de Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge. He querido usar este esquema desde que lo vi, al fin lo logre! Vaya y vea las otras creaciones AQUI!
MDS download used for this page: Sent with Love
Font: CK Doodling & CK Journaling Dots
I so enjoy recording thoughts and memories I don't ever want to forget.
Lately I find it so relaxing and easy to do with MDS (My Digital Studio).
The program is so good it convinced me (a paper lover) to try digital. :)
Try it for free HERE for 30 days. You will like it. Il have more pages on Monday!
Disfruto mucho el documentar pensamientos y memorias que espero jamas olvidar. Ultimamente hallo bien relajante y facil el hacerlo con MDS (Mi Estudio Digital en espanol).
Este programa es tan bueno que me convencio a mi (una amante al papel) a tratar lo digital. :)
Tratelo gratis por 30 dias AQUI! Le va a gustar. Voy a tenerle mas paginitas el lunes!
Have a beautiful Sunday basking in the Sun of God's grace,
Que tenga un hermoso domingo banandose en el Sol de Su gracia,
Jessica Cruz de Urrutia
Your Favorite Stampin'Up! Demonstrator
Dear Jessica, YOU are Beautiful and YOU AMAZE ME!!!! I love both projects and your heart! You are such a daily inspiration!!! I am so glad to call you my friend! Happy Easter! Love you, Donna
ReplyDeletePS: I LOVE that shot of your son on his guitar; LOVE IT! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is an AWESOME take on our sketch!! Wow!! Thanks so much for playing along with Another Freaking Scrappy Challenge ... hope to see you here again soon, Jessica!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Anne for your encouraging words. Needed that! You are awesome...and yes cant wait for April and the new challenges. Blessings!