I am so grateful for all I have learned and shared i the last years as a Stampin'Up! demonstrator.
I am a bit nervous and excited about what He has in store for this new season but I heard Him say "New Season" and I am believing it is indeed.
I took a step of faith
Today I took a step of faith in order to connect better with both my Facebook and Youtube followers. I decided to go LIVE in both places at the same time using a new set up. It was a bit nerve-wracking and exciting all at once. I will get better at it.
Watch LIVE recording here!
So thankful
To all who connected today Monday at 1PM ET to stamp with me and seek God's Presence in the moment. Interacting LIVE with my viewers brings such joy to my life and is one of my favorite things about being a demonstrator; reason why I am definitely doing this again!
Not Perfect but Done
I prepared so well to make these two cards below today, but the Lord nudged me to switch things around and practice following His lead. Needless to say THIS WAS NOT A PERFECT VIDEO or in the moment card whatsoever. Still I pray fervently it is a word that will bless you and help you walk this week in His strength NOT your weakness.
This may be a season of disappointment or brokenness. Still today I've been lead to call YOU out of that pit and get up into what God planned for you. He has goodness in store. He has SMILES in store for you. Actually the entire time I created this cardI felt the delight of the Lord over your life and mine and I want to call you to a season of smiling. A season where HE WILL CREATE reasons for you to smile. God smiles at you today. Trust Him.
The card below calls you to simply smile. Smile to what God has for you. See it. Believe it and move forward trusting He knows you better. He heals your heart from sorrows and I LOVE this promise in Isaiah... your days of sorrow will end. I pray this becomes a reality, a miracle for you today. walk in His joy, not in sorrow. Walk in freedom, not in the pit. You were called for more.
No more sorrow
"Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end."
Isaiah 60:20
Create smiles
Getting out of our comfort zone takes faith. Faith means risk. I am not sure what risks you are total. What messes you will go with. But I choose Christ today and always. Fix your eyes on Jesus my dear. If you need an ear, a prayer, a friend. Don't hesitate to write.
I used my Paper Pumpkin products to get this card going. As I prayed I heard the word "smile" so first I prepared a background with the stencil in my kit and some inks. Loved that! I grabbed some retired alphabet stamps and made this card for the ONE. The one person who needed to hear this from heaven today. There is a cloud of witnesses cheering you on. Do not quit! Go ahead, step forward. Jesus loves you and smiles to you today. Will you smile back?
Use October Hostess Code is QJEDR3HK
Supplies I keep at hand for all my projects
I am Jessica Cruz de Urrutia,
Love being your Stampin'Up! Independent Demonstrator
My mission is
To cheer the broken-hearted and connect my friends to Jesus through excellent creativity and truly caring for the one.
Join my Creative Team here!
Youtube CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/stampablessing
BLOG: http://www.stampablessing.com
DEMO website: http://www.stampablessing.stampinup.net
STORE: http://www.stampinup.com/ECWeb/default.aspx?dbwsdemoid=2063257
Use October Hostess Code is QJEDR3HK
PAPER PUMPKIN: https://www.paperpumpkin.com/en-us/sign-up/?demoid=2063257
JOIN MY FACEBOOK GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stampablessing
CATALOGS: http://www.stampinup.net/esuite/home/stampablessing/catalogs
EMAIL ME: http://www.stampinup.net/esuite/home/stampablessing/contactme
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▶ Check out my video gear on Kit: https://kit.co/StampaBlessing
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