Paper Pumpkin has captured my heart in a special way in this season.
I discovered everyone needs a bit of Paper Pumpkin.
Time to create, the simplicity of start stamping easy,
refreshing crafting moments, friendship, fellowship, celebrating others,
lifting others up, creating with a purpose…

Starting My Paper Pumpkin Peeps filled my heart so beautiful this last Sunday. Seeing the ladies together, sharing, laughing, creating projects to bless others.
I want to thank you for following my trajectory in the last 3 1/2 years with My Pumpkin Challenge.
I will move forward even if afraid, believing what the Lord has for me next is great. Actually greater!
Please prayerfully consider joining the movement #LiftThemUpwithPaperPumpkin.
1.Use any of the Paper Pumpkin kits you own.
2.Make it and carry it with you to places! Be ready to bless!
3.Share love, share life with others.
4.Post a picture. Post a story. Of how you used Paper Pumpkin to Lift Up.
5. When you do add the hashtag #LiftThemUpwithPaperPumpkin
This is my heart: Craft with a purpose.
Use your art to bring life and encouragement.
Defeat depression, defeat lies, defeat grief by letting others know how loved, accepted, cool they are.
Go for the waiter, the police officer on the corner, the bus driver, the mailman or woman, the post office clerk, share at the bank…on the train! Anywhere and bring words of LIFE into others lived.
We need to step up our crafting.
I love beauty….display His beauty through your hands.
If you read my heart today would you comment below?
I encourage you to not feel pressured to do this, just to be inspired to make a difference. Share the journey!
Love you tons! Keep the Paper Pumpkin love going.
Have you any leftovers…go use them today to make a difference.
Hope you liked these cards made with my leftovers.
If you visit Paper Pumpkin Challenge today you will see a closing, but hey! STILL follow my friend's adventures. We will all keep creating with Paper Pumpkin and sharing creativity!
If you have not try Paper Pumpkin yet, this is a great time to do so.
When you subscribe on my website you will receive your second month for FREE! Each kit is $19.95 value plus tax.
I recommend them for beginners and also experienced crafters.
Visit My Paper Pumpkin for more information here!
Today is the last day to order the Thoughtful Branches!
Jessica Urrutia
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