Apr 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Here are some of my Easter cards this year.
This is a precious holiday were I become so enamored with my Savior I forget to make cards, ha!
Hope you are all having a beautiful time reflecting on Jesus and His life for you.

I am not ashamed of who I am. I love having the privilege of being a christian.

Creative Blessings!

Jessica Urrutia

Stamp set which I totally loved: Indescribable Gift
It comes with other sayings…available till the end of May 2015.

My sweet boy

My little girl

and a basket full of blessings

Sweet memories made with my little ones. I am thankful to churches who hold Easter Egg Hunts in the community. My kids (after having a hibernating week sick) were able to enjoy this activity. Their smiles were big! Have a quiet weekend thanking God for His great mercies. 


  1. So fun and sweet to see these Easter pictures already! So very cute!!! I'm glad your kiddos are feeling better again! Blessings to you all on this Easter day and always! With love, Donna

    1. Thanks my sweet friend! Have a beautiful day celebrating our Savior and Lord. Love you tons!


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