Hello there! Trying a fun technique today. This is called Emerging Colors Technique and is the technique featured today at Technique Twist Challenge! Yay!
Hola a todas! Mire la foto arriba, puede ver los detalles por medio de la imagen estampada? Esta tecnica se llama "Colores Emergiendo" o Emerging Colors. Es la tecnica mostrada hoy en el reto Technique Twist. Que bien!
Click on the photo to see more details/Oprima la foto para ver mas detallado
MY TECHNIQUE TWIST: I used DSP (paper) and used Iridescent Ice EP for it. It blings!
MI CAMBIO EN LA TECNICA: Use papel de disenador y el polvo Iridescent Ice. Brilla!
Versamark bold image (Wildflower Meadow) on DSP (Epic)
Estampa una image amplia con Versamark en papel de disnador.
Pour Iridescent Ice EP on it and heat emboss.
Echale polvo Iridescent Ice y anada calor.
Brayer dark ink (Midnight Muse) on top of heat embossed image and wipe with a dry paper towel.
Usa tu rolo o esponja para anadir tinta oscura al papel (Midnight Muse) y pasale un papel toalla.
Can you see the colors from the Designer Series Paper Emerging? Now is your turn! :)
Puedes ver los colores emergiendo? Ahora es tu turno! :)
Creative Blessings, Bendiciones Creativas
Jessica Urrutia
Stampin'Up! Independent Demonstrator
If you are blessed by what you see and get inspired by my projects I invite you to visit My Store (button on the right side-bar) and get started with Stampin'Up fun! Send me a quick message if you would like my assistance. Would be my privilege and joy for sure!
Si mis creaciones te bendicen y eres inspirada por mis proyectos te invito a que visites Mi Tienda (botoncito a la derecha) y comiences la diversion con Stampin'Up! Mandame un mensajito si puedo asistirte en algo. Seria mi privilegio y gozo el servirte!
What a fun technique! I neeeeeed to try it. You have inspired me as always! Thank you my friend! :)