I've been looking into gift ideas lately. This one is one of the gifts I made this month to a beautiful friend for her birthday. I truly hope she liked it! I enjoy using this butterfly and truly hope it comes back in the new catalog coming May 31. So for the time being I better enjoy it the most I can. Hope you get inspired to use your Stampin'Up! products for sweet gifts.
Hola queridas amigas,
He estado en busqueda de ideas para regalos. Este es uno de los regalos que hice este mes a una amiga especial. Espero sinceramente que le haya gustado! Disfruto mucho este sello de la mariposa y ojala venga en el nuevo catalogo cuando venga mayo 31. Por el momento me lo disfruto lo mas que pueda/ Espero inspirarle a usar sus productos de Stampin'Up! para hacer regalitos con mucho carino.
* Stamps/Sellos: Swallowtail Butterfly, Sweet Essentials
* Ink Pads/Pads de Tinta: Island Indigo, Pool Party,
Marina Mist, Midnight Muse, Pacific Point, Early Expresso
Have you make any cute gifts lately?
What have you make, leave me a link on the comment so I can go see it!
Has hecho algun regalito ultimamente?
Que has hecho, dejame un link en los comentarios para ir a verlo!
Here a little sneak peek of the box I made for the cards...come back to show you how I made it!
Un adelantito de la cajita que hice para las tarjetas...regrese para ensenarle como hacerla!
Thanks for visiting my blog...hope to inspire.
Love being your Stampin'Up! Independent Demonstrator.
Gracias por visitarme...espero inspirarle. Amo ser su Demonstradora Independiente de Stampin'Up!
Jessica Cruz de Urrutia
zip 79423
If you like what you see leave me a little comment to brighten my day.:)
Si le gusta lo que ve dejeme un pequeno comentario para iluminar mi dia. :)
I love this card set. It's so practical and looks so simple. The box is beautiful- can't wait to see how you made it!
ReplyDeleteJessica A.