Oct 7, 2011

Ready for Christmas??

I am having a wondeful Christmas cards class planned for you on October 22nd at 10am. Send me an email if you are interested to jessy_cruz@yahoo.com Would love to have you over. If you come is $20, but if you invite a friend that registers then you are $10. Even better if you bring a second friend, your class is free. Don't miss it!! This class is tailored for the begginner to advanced. Hope to hear from you soon. Will be making my materials order in the next wek.
Many blessings!!
Jessica U

1 comment:

  1. Christmas cards arer my ALL TIME favorite cards to make. I nearly make them year around! If Lubbock, Texas wasn't so far from Kansas City,Mo, I'd be there in a heart beat! Have fun beginning CHRISTmas!


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