Mar 19, 2013

MDS birthday invite and What's New!

Hi there!! Stampin'Up! has so much going on and is so exciting! Since I dont like to overwhem talking about every single promotion every day on every post, I do a bit on Tuesdays only. Everything can be seen on my page HERE! Check ou the Special offers.
Hola a todos! Stampin'Up! tiene tantas ideas y es tan excitante! Ya que no me gusta llenarle el dia en cada post con todo lo que esta pasando, me gusta enfocarme un poco solo los martes y les traigo las nuevas promociones. Si quieren ver todo vayan AQUI. Vea alli las Ofertas especiales.

Before I share those let me start by sharing an invitation I created and just sent to print with the MDS2. Yeehaw! Yipee! It will be a Cowboy/Cowgirl style Birthday Party. What do you think!! Im just starting but I think is cute! Did you know Stampin'Up! lowered the price of MDS to ONLY $19.95??? Yes, new price started yesterday. :)
Antes de compartir las promociones, le quiero ensenar la invitacion que hice y ya mande a imprimir con el MDS2. Yiiijaa! Es un cumpleanos de vaqueros y vaqueras. Que le parece? Estoy comenzando mas yo creo que quedo chulita! Sabia que Stampin'Up! bajo el precio del MDS a SOLO $19.95?? Sip! El nuevo precio comenzo ayer. Yipee!

To get a FREE trial download of MDS2 (My Digital Studio 2) click HERE! The end total is $0. :)
Para obtener una descarga GRATIS para tratar el MDS2 (Mi Estudio Digital 2) oprima AQUI! Vale $0

Spring Surprise
 This is new with Stampin'Up! You can now get the new  stamp set Round Array plus the coordinating punch for a great price. See more info HERE!
Esto es nuevo en Stampin'Up! Puede ahora pedir su nuevo sello Round Array mas el ponchador que coordina por un excelnmte precio. Vea mas info AQUI!
Spring Surprise Clear-mount Bundle
Spring Surprise Clear-mount Spanish Bundle

 Don't forget this is the last week of SALEABRATION! Until March 22nd for every $50 you purchase you get a free product from the SAB brochure. :D Also, great incentives for those who join right now. $25 more in products...which amounts to about $150 in products for only $99. Check it all out HERE!

No olvide que esta es la ultima semana de la venta de CELEBRACION! Hasta el 22 de marzo por cada $50 en productos que usted compra le regalan un producto de la revistita SAB. Tambien super buena adicion al paquete de comienzo de demosntradora...sube a $150 en productos por solo $99 plus tax por unirse a mi equipo esta semana. Vea los detalles AQUI!

I believe wholeheartedly we were created to be the most creative, ingenious, wise and wonderful people in the world. So today STAND OUT! Focus in what you do best...not on your weaknesses and go for it with all your heart. Make the biggest contribution you can make for Christ's kingdom and this world too! Keep loving, keep caring, keep is worth it!

Yo creo de todo corazon que fuimos creadas para ser las mas creativas. llenas de ingenio, sabias y maravillosas personas en el mundo. DESTACATE! Enfocate en lo que haces en tus debilidades sino en tus fortalezas y trabaja en ello con todo tu corazon. Has tu mayor contribucion que puedas al reino de Jesus y tu mundo alrededor! Sigue amando, sigue cuidando, sigue
creando...vale la pena!

Check the new Downloads for MDS2 every TUESDAY!
Vea las nuevas descargas para el MDS2 cada MARTES!
Did you already see the free tutorial on this Pretty Purse. Go HERE to my Saturday post.
Ya viste el tutorial gratis para hacer esta carterita bonita. Ve AQUI a mi post del sabado.
Be blessed today with creativity! We all can learn and make beauty around us!
Sea bendecida con creatividad! Todos podemos aprender y hacer belleza a nuestro alrededor!
Jessica Cruz de Urrutia
Your favorite Stampin'Up! Demonstrator :)

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